Our Program Offerings

  • Science-Based Curricula and Leadership Training

    Hands-on lessons about air pollution, climate change, environmental justice, health, and local government are paired with leadership and civics training to introduce students to important issues and develop problem-solving skills to address them.

  • Student-Led Community Events

    Students coordinate their own local community events to improve health and address environmental challenges. Events may include CPR training, neighborhood cleanups, and voter registration drives. Our students acquire the necessary skills to organize in their communities to make a difference.

  • Twice Monthly After School Meetings

    Students meet after school completing hands-on activities, having group discussions and competing in various competitions for prizes. Additional group activities are also held, including a virtual cooking class and documentary screening.

  • Annual Capstone Trip

    Top students in the program have the opportunity to participate in an end-of-year capstone trip. Previous destinations have included Washington, D.C. and camping in Big Bend National Park.

  • Local Field Trips

    Student field trips to local museums, government meetings, industry hubs, and community organizations put students directly in touch with the resources for change in their region.

  • Guest Speakers

    Experts from local government, nonprofit organizations and established research institutions share their firsthand knowledge to show students what the work for clean air and for a healthy, sustainable city looks like. Guest speakers have included staff from the City of Houston, Harris County Health Department, UT School of Public Health, and Rice University.